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Sunday, May 21, 2017 - 16:42
Before sunrise, whether you want it or not, a merry chorus will wake you up at Château le Verdoyer! These artists are the Blackbirds, Blackcaps and Wrens, the quietest amongst them; the Turtledoves are a little noisier with their cooing! All day long, you may see the Goldfinches fussing around, along with Chaffinches, Redstarts and the appropriately named Greenfinches. Our north European guests might also recognize the Firecrests and the Serins.
Friday, April 28, 2017 - 01:00
Rustic Golf, 8 acres wide surrounded by nature. Managed by the Golf Club Association of Champs Romain, whose primary purpose is to allow regular golfers to enjoy a training and non-golfers to discover this game. Also initiation days are organised to give the local youth the opportunity to try…. Open all year roundRates : Greenfee : play the 9 holes for 10€.  
Monday, March 27, 2017 - 23:02
Our region has many gastronomic treasures, some well-known further than the Périgord Vert (the foie gras, the Bergerac wine or duck breast), but other more surprising, more discreet, still part of the Périgord cuisine: saffron of Champs Romain, the Bison of Miallet or the amazing taste of this cheese: the Trappe d'Echourgnac. History  of the Trappe d’Echourgnac The Trappe d’Échourgnac is a french cheese, produced since 1868 in the abbey of Échourgnac (Dordogne).
Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - 21:49
Not so long ago the most important thing not to forget before coming to the campsite was the toilet paper roll.Today, we sort this out for you. Our sanitary buildings are perfectly arranged and equipped ... see by yourself: There are 2 sanitary buildings with toilets, showers and sinks in cabins for everyone: men, women, children, whether valid or disabled. Showers are driven by a revolutionary and ecological system, especially for preventing too long showers or leaks. A timer programmed by computer saves hundreds of liters of water every day!
Monday, January 23, 2017 - 22:21
In 1940, 4 teenagers discovered a cave in the aera of Montignac. It quickly appears that this cave has unbelievably rich wall paintings that make it one of the high places of parietal art. However, to preserve these very fragile paintings, the cave had to close to the public and a copy of part of the cave was created in 1983. Since December, a new site reproducing the entire cave has opened : Lascaux IV. An unforgettable journey for your next holiday in the Périgord.  
Saturday, January 21, 2017 - 22:52
When the Périgord Vert becomes the Périgord Blanc ... Some beautiful views in the middle of the winter at Château le Verdoyer and the surrounding Dordogne. It's beautiful ... But we prefer our campsite in the summer, isn’t it?
Friday, January 20, 2017 - 17:58
I found this recipe some times ago, and after small changes and trying it, it may well be on our menu this summer ... Ingredients (for 2 people): 6 nuts of Scallops - olive oil - 1 ripe mango - 2 limes - 2 passion fruit - 1 grenade - salt - pepper - red berries - Dill Start by preparing all the ingredients.Clean the scallop. Cut into thin slices and arrange them on the plate. Marinade: Squeeze lime juice and pour into a small bowl. Add the same quantity of olive oil, and salt and pepper. Stir well with a fork.
Thursday, January 19, 2017 - 00:11
It was in 1987 that Richard and Ineke AUSEMS opened your campsite for the first time! It is therefore 30 years now, that we welcome you with pleasure, taking care of what you have most precious over a year: your holidays!   And 30 years, it's Party time ! And we do have some ideas for that! see for yourself :   Many gifts and surprises: t-shirts, drop-stops, bath towels or the much-requested large wine glass.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016 - 20:55
The Périgord Blanc takes its name from the whiteness of its rocks appreciated to the work of sculptors. In the heart of it, you can find Périgueux, capital of the department Dordogne. City of art and history, dating back to the Gallo-Roman period, the city reflects its rich past in the narrow streets of the old town or the Roman ruins highlighted in the Vesunna museum. 
Sunday, December 11, 2016 - 17:20
As I hear the train whistling ... Like many French departments, in the early 1900, our region was part of the development of the railway, called by the ancients "Les Tacots du Perigord" ... Very helpful to reach the market of Piégut (still the largest in the area, to be visited on Wednesday morning), the old train from Saint Mathieu to Saint Pardoux la Riviere was inaugurated in 1912.


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