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Monday, June 6, 2016 - 09:35
The small town of Sorges inaugurated in 1982 a museum dedicated to one of the greatest treasures of the Périgord: the truffle. Recently renovated, this eco-museum offers now a visit, as interesting as playful, through the world of truffles, the black diamond of the Périgord. This museum, housed in a traditional farm along the N21, has a very attractive set design, combining modern technology such as video and classic photos or information boards. 
Sunday, May 22, 2016 - 17:00
On a former railway, still passing by the original stations, offer yourself a nice pedaling ride through the countryside of the “Périgord Vert”. Step on a strange machine, called Vélo-rail, up to 5 people, and enjoy a nice promenade of 11 or 20 km on a part of the railway that once linked Brive and Angouleme. The track starts at the railway station of Corgnac sur l’Isle, about 30 kilometers from the Château le Verdoyer.    Bookings are required and it is advisable to arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled departure (in order to guarantee the booking).
Thursday, May 5, 2016 - 16:15
For 4 persons: 250 g chocolate - 3 spoons strong coffee - 6 egg yolks -rum (optional!) - A pinch of salt - 6 egg whites Melt in microwave: the chocolate and the coffee.: Transfer to a large bowl. Add 6 egg yolks. It can be flavored with rum In a large bowl, beat egg whites until stiff, add the mixture gently. Put several hours in the fridge
Saturday, April 30, 2016 - 22:09
Men do not necessarily know, but the Périgord has many other treasures as the gastronomy, and if you take a closer look to the flora, there are even some varieties of wild orchids ... and they are visible on the Château le Verdoyer ... Attention! This species are part of a protection program of the Regional Natural Park. You are are asked not to pick them!  
Saturday, April 9, 2016 - 17:02
  Le Parc Naturel Régional Périgord Limousin a permis la mise en valeur de nombreux sites et curiosités naturelles, et y a à chaque fois « attaché » des chemins de randonnées, tissant ainsi un réseau de plus en plus étendu et de mieux en mieux entretenu… Et au détour de ces chemins de randonnées, il est alors possible de découvrir une construction insolite : Une belle promenade à faire, au départ du Camping… que nous avons décidé de tester, en famille, un dimanche de mars (d’où la nature qui s’éveille sur les photos).
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 - 21:53
Ingredients: 2 duck breasts - 10 cl of cider - 5 apples a little acid- dried veal powder - Calvados - salt, pepper. Cut the skin of the duck breasts, on the fat side, with a sharp knife in crisscross form. Bake these breasts, on the skin side, for 8 minutes on medium heat in a hot pan. Reserve a little bit of the melted fat in the pan, and put the rest away. Bake the breasts for 3 minutes, on the fat side. Peel the apples, remove the seeds, and cut these in thick slices.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 - 21:59
  In a rather rainy February, a nice sunny day has inspired us to "test" a new ballad en famille : we opted for a tour of the lake of Miallet (12km away from the campsite).
Friday, February 19, 2016 - 15:37
A nice first course to prepare in advance, and to serve on a blini with a small green salad.   Recipe for 10 people 1 fresh salmon fillet with its skin - sea salt - ground pepper - 1 glass of pastis Marinade : Olive Oil - dill and other herbs - red onion - mixed peppercorn - 1 lemon - 1orange Cover the salmon with salt and pepper on the flesh side and leave it for 2 days in the fridge.  
Thursday, January 28, 2016 - 20:13
Château le Verdoyer was visited by Camping Streetview ... Like its big sister Google, Camping Streetview offers the opportunity to visit the Campsite by using the paths, stopping on the main outstanding points of your park ... step on the small bike as if you were here ...  
Thursday, November 12, 2015 - 17:07
Star product : Bison! Curious is to say that Bison is a local meat in Perigord, but, David Soulié took the initiative and the desire to (re) introduce the animal in Miallet a few years ago now (you know it is a buffalo depicted on the walls of the caves of Lascaux ...) And as Château le Verdoyer enjoys working with local producers, the Bison became a staple of our menu. Bison is tender meat, low in fat, good for health because it is rich in protein, which will cook faster than beef.  It is cooked rather rosé, accompanied by green beans or potatoes.


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